1How long does it take?
It will take 2-3 days to draft your resume.
2What if I am not happy?
We will revise your resume. As professional service providers, client satisfaction is at the forefront of our business.
3Why should I have my resume professionally written?
You want and need to have a competitive edge. The job market has never been more competitive with the sending and posting of electronic documents. With the Internet and LinkedIn there are many more candidates now going for each job opportunity.
4How Do I Download My New Resume?
Once approved, your assigned project manager will send you a completed copy of your resume via email, as a PDF or JPEG file that will be easy to open with almost any software and on any computer.
5What sets your writers apart from other services?
Our writers are not just talented professional writers; they’re informed certified resume writers who have prepared hundreds of winning resumes. They're hiring managers in Global Fortune 100 companies. Not everyone knows how to write a resume. Our team of writers can produce effective resumes because they are familiar with the hiring process. They know how to use a resume to communicate with hiring managers to get our clients interviews.
6Will my information be confidential?
Yes. It is our policy to keep client information under the strictest of confidence.
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